Blog Posts


7 Steps To Refresh Your Real Estate Brand

By Sarah Layton


Have you noticed that your real estate business has been slowing down lately?

Are you putting out social media posts or brush content to the sound of crickets?

Have you perhaps switched brokerages several times over the last 10 years?

If so, it is likely that your brand is missing the mark!

No need to beat yourself up about this because branding is one of the most common challenges among real estate professionals. As you know, they didn't teach you anything about how to build a profitable real estate brand when you were studying for your license.

However lucky for you, I am here to help you hit the refresh button on your real estate brand and make sure that it is perfectly tailored to deliver you the results you've been wishing for.

In today's post you will learn:

  • Simple & quick ways to update your branding.

  • How to ensure your brand will reach the RIGHT people.

  • The easiest way to craft your new real estate brand message.

  • How a brand refresh will dramatically improve your marketing ROI.

BUT FIRST... before we get deeper into the most important elements of crafting your shiny new real estate brand, I need you to download a free copy of my worksheet to clearly define your IDEAL CLIENT. At the heart and soul of every successful brand is a strong understanding of the target audience, what motivates them, and what their problems are! If you don’t know who you are trying to attract, it will be completely impossible to know what your brand should look, feel, and sound like.

1. Get Your Unique Real Estate Brand Message Together

The first thing that we need to tackle in your refresh is your brand’s message. The message of your brand is its centerpiece and for that reason, it requires the most attention.

More often than not, if you are not captivating and converting clients at a high rate, it comes down to a broken brand message. Once we get that fixed, every other element of your real estate brand will begin to fall into place.

Although this is the biggest piece of the puzzle, it is surprisingly easy to nail down.

Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What comes easily to you?

    • What do people commend you for?

    • What could you talk about for hours on end?

    • What sets you apart from other agents in your area?

    • Why do people say they chose you over your competition?

  • What is the biggest impact you make in your work?

    • What is the biggest takeaway that comes from working with you over the competition?

  • Who SPECIFICALLY do you help?

    • Who is your ideal client (use the worksheet above)?

When answering the questions above I want to encourage you to do a complete brain dump. In other words, write down everything that comes to mind without worrying about editing.

That is the next step...

Show Confidence And Be Concise In Your Real Estate Brand Messaging

One major benefit of an effective real estate brand is that it will position you as an expert worthy of the trust and business of your ideal clients. However, that will require you to craft a brand message that exudes confidence.

Once you have your answers to the questions above, and you have poured your heart and soul into answering them truthfully, it is time to start editing them to show that confidence. The more concise you can be, the more powerful and profitable you will be.

Now, I know that can be easier said than done so I’ve got another exercise to help you deliver that powerful and punchy message and it centers around one word: benefits.

Showcasing The Benefits Of Hiring You

You MUST be able to communicate how your ideal clients will benefit from working with you.

To identify those benefits, start by making a list with two columns. On the left side, write a list of the top 10 things that you help your clients accomplish. On the right side, write down the benefit of each thing that you do for them.

Here are a couple of examples:

The Service I Provide

How It Benefits My Ideal Clients

I help real estate agents identify their ideal client.

Agents convert more business and enjoy their work more because their quality of clients improves.

I write real estate blogs that capture leads and earn passive income.

Agents earn more revenue through multiple inbound streams and get more free time.

The magical glue that connects the two columns is the phrase “so that”. By inserting those two little words between your talents and the benefits they provide, you will be able to design a dynamite real estate brand message.

To make things easier for you, I have put together this handy worksheet so you can identify your unique value.

2. Tie In The Visuals

One of the most obvious, and therefore impactful components of your brand is the visuals i.e. your logo, headshot, brand color, etc.

If you haven’t had your headshots done within the last couple of years then there is no urgent need for you to have them done again.

However, if you are one of those people that have a headshot that looks like it was taken 20 or 30 years ago and it is plain to see, you absolutely must replace them. Not only are you not fooling anyone with these outdated pictures but you’re representing yourself as someone unwilling or unable to keep up with change and technology.

Your brand color and logo also need to tie into your brand message in a way that makes sense. For example, if you’re building a fun, personable, upbeat brand you shouldn’t be using colors like red and black in your brand because they convey a very different message and feeling.

3. Revisit The Pain Points Of Your Real Estate Niche

The pain points of your ideal clients are extremely crucial to your success.

Go back to that chart that you created of your talents and the benefits that they provide. Also, refer back to the ideal client worksheet that I provided for you above and review your answers to question 20. You should be able to come up with at least 15 to 30 answers about the problems or pain points of your ideal client.

If you are struggling with this please feel free to reach out to me but this is a clear indicator that you’re going to have to do some market research to get a better understanding of your ideal client or perhaps change them altogether.

4. Clean Up Your Real Estate Website

I hope that most of you have your own real estate website by now! However, once you do get it up and running, you can’t just leave it alone and let it sit there all stagnant and shit. At least not if you want real traffic and real clients from it!

In order to please the Google Gods and make sure that your real estate website is doing all that it should for you, you should take some time each season (at the least) to perform a little checkup.

You also need to incorporate your new brand into your website once you have it on solid ground. Make sure you (or your VA) combs through the entire website to ensure that it is in alignment with your brand’s message, colors, and those pain points that we just talked about.

In this post, I give you the 5 easiest but most impactful ways you can refresh your real estate website with all of your fancy new brand knowledge that I’ve given you today.

5. Boost Your Professional Real Estate Bio

The “About Me” page of your real estate website or blog is NOT what you think it is!

Most people make the mistake of writing some long, drawn-out bio all about who they are, how they got involved in the business, and why they are so great.

This is a HUGE mistake!

I know it might sound crazy but your “About Me” page should not really be about you and your company as much as it should be about the people you are trying to attract.

The content on this page should be designed to psychologically tap into the hearts and minds of the people reading it and make them feel as though you really understand them.

You want them to walk away from this page feeling a deeper connection to you and seeing you as the solution to their problems and the pivotal stepping-stone to their dreams.

The more that you make this content all about you, the more you will alienate readers and the higher your bounce rates will climb.

The truth is that crafting a professional bio that actually converts for you is a process so I have crafted this guide to outline how to do it in 5 steps. However, if the idea of writing your own bio sounds too overwhelming or time-consuming, I am more than happy to do it for you!

6. Scrub Your Subscribers

When was the last time you took a hard look at your list of email subscribers? I’m willing to wager a bet that it’s been a little while.

Now, this may seem a bit crazy, but I am a big fan of deleting contacts from my list of subscribers. Not at random of course, only the ones that are clearly and consistently not engaging with the content that I’m sending them.

When you scrub your email list you get to reap several benefits:

  • You’re open rates increase.

  • Your click-through rates increase.

  • You save money on your email marketing software.

  • The overall resale value of your list increases.

Not only should you scrub your email list of the people that clearly don’t appreciate your content but you should also work on segmenting your list.

If you are a real estate agent, at the very least you should have your list segmented into buyers and sellers. However, the more segments that you create and the more specific they are the better you will be able to send the right content to the right people in order to increase your conversion rates.

7. Make It All Match

When it comes to branding, consistency is your best friend!

You need to make sure that all of your marketing and branding products are cohesive and in line with your new brand message.

Every social media profile that you have should match.

The tone of all of your blogs, podcasts, and videos should match.

You need to make sure that when people are surfing through various platforms whether it be your website or elsewhere that they can instantly recognize something that belongs to you and your company. The only way to do that is to make sure everything is consistent.

Need More Help Developing A Profitable Real Estate Brand?

So far, I have shown you:

  • The fastest and easiest way to find your new brand message

  • How to identify your unique value offering

  • What to say to convert clients hook, line, and sinker

  • How to give your real estate brand a polished a professional appearance

However, I understand that this is challenging work and if you are anything like most people, you will need some extra help to bring everything together.

No worries because I am here to help!

All you have to do is book a call with me so we can chat about what is holding you back and make sure that you get on the right track!

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How To Build A Winning Real Estate Brand

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