Blog Posts


3 Ways Your Real Estate Blog Will Build Your Team On Autopilot

By Sharmila_CML


You’ve already established your success as a real estate agent.

You know what it takes to get houses sold.

You know how to treat your real estate business like a real business.

That’s why you decided to become a broker and build your own team.

Now as a broker and a leader, your responsibilities and goals are dramatically different. If you want to make the big bucks as a broker, you have to get out of the open houses and step into the role of recruiter, trainer, and motivator. Once you master those skill sets, you will experience a whole new level of success in real estate.

Just like when you were an agent, there are a million people out there coaching you on all of the activities that you need to be doing in order to build a profitable team. But riddle me this...

Wasn’t the whole point of you becoming a broker to reduce your workload and increase your passive income?

Didn’t you make this move to upgrade your lifestyle and graduate from menial tasks like cold-calling and time-wasting meetings at Starbucks?

What much of the industry doesn’t want you to know is that one simple tool can recruit (the right agents), train, and motivate your team for you on autopilot. It’s called a blog.

Today, I am going to highlight how (when done correctly) your real estate blog can play the role of recruiter, trainer, and motivator while you get back to enjoying your life.

1. Recruitment

One of the most common mistakes made by brokers is failing to realize that going after any and all agents is the fastest route to insanity and bankruptcy. You don’t want to waste your resources constantly ushering in agents that never produce and then turn around and leave you in a year, blaming you for their failures.

Your job is to recruit the RIGHT type of agents for the type of team that you want to build. Just like a smart agent identifies their ideal client, you need to identify your ideal agent.

Once you have a profile of the type of agents that will join with loyalty, the drive for success, and a hunger for growth, while also fitting into your team culture, you can use your blog to attract those people and filter out the rest.

The best way to do this is to make a list of the most common goals and problems that your ideal agents experience. I suggest making a list of at least 20-30 of each.

By creating blogs that help them to achieve those goals or solve those problems, they will be magnetically drawn to you and your team. Essentially, this allows you to stop chasing after them, puts you back in the power seat, and lets you pick and choose who you allow to be apart of the amazing team you’re building.

For example, let’s say that you want to attract young, buyer’s agents with at least 3 years of experience and proven results. Some common goals they would share are:

  • Learn how to increase their production without working so hard

  • Gain better work-life balance

  • Master more systems to automate more of their business

  • Work with a broker that respects them

Based on those four points you can come up with dozens of blog topics that would attract those people to you. The trick is to be very careful about the language you use and the angles with which you approach the topic.

Taking the first point about production, you don’t want to write 100 level production articles if you’re trying to attract someone that has already proven themselves for 3 years. They already know the basics but they want to know how to get to that next level in this modern environment.

You must always keep the psychology and perspective of your ideal agent in mind when you plan, execute, and market your real estate blog.

2. Training

No matter how experienced or successful your agents are at this point, they will always need additional training. Of course the more experienced agents won’t need to be taught the basics of running their business. However, given the rate at which technology changes, their will always be a new method of lead generation to learn at the very least.

While many brokers love to call their teams into the office to hold a class, it is not necessary. Remember, if things are going well, your agents should have too much going on to be able to constantly work their schedule around meetings and classes.

Instead, you can use your real estate blog to house your training materials so that your agents can consume the content when it is most convenient for them.

When it comes to the training topics that you select for your blog, it is important that you keep both your current agents, as well as, the ones that you hope to attract in mind.

Since on-going training and education is a top priority for many agents looking for a new home for their license, you will want to make sure that you are publishing training on topics that your ideal agents would be attracted to.

One thing to keep in mind, regardless of who your ideal agents are, is that tech topics are essential. Consistent surveys by NAR report that being tech-forward is one of the top 3 priorities for buyers and sellers, which means it is your job to empower them to tap into that desire.

3. Motivation

Even the most driven people experience dips in their motivation.

Those dips don’t necessarily hit during “business hours” or at the same times which is why it will be valuable for them to have your blog to turn to whenever they do hit those walls.

Content that taps into the psychology and emotional components that lead to those dips in motivation will also help them to feel a stronger connection to you and reinforce the feeling that you are committed to their success.

The beauty of having an ideal agent is that it helps to narrow down the types of burnout, boredom, and frustration that are likely to lead the members of your team to lose their drive.

I have found for many of my clients struggling to come with ideas for motivational topics that it is useful to draw upon your own experience as an agent.

What in your personal or professional life caused you to lose steam?

Were there certain times of year when you caught a case of the “I don’t wannas”?

What types of issues do your team members express to you currently in regards to their motivation?

Proactively counteracting those dips and providing 24/7 support to your agents through your real estate blog will do wonders for their production levels and their loyalty to you.

Call Me Crazy But…

Isn’t that everything that you’re trying to do?

  • You need to attract the agents that make you money and save you time (not the other way around).

  • You need to keep them on the cutting-edge of real estate

  • You need to keep their motivation levels up in a way that increases production and instills a sense of loyalty to you

Your real estate blog can accomplish every one of those goals for you. Not to mention, it can improve your SEO, propel your brand, increase the number of organic leads you get each month, and upgrade the value of your website (in case you ever want to sell it to another broker for a big profit).

Obviously, I am more than happy to write a real estate blog for you that will accomplish all of that and much more.

However, if you insist on writing it yourself, I would love to have you join my Blogging For Real Estate Leads Facebook Group for more actionable advice on how to monetize, market, and make the most out of every post.

If you would prefer to leave your real estate blog to the pro, you can book a free consultation call with me here.

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