Blog Posts


4 Elements Of A Profitable Real Estate Blog

By Jayaprakash_CML


If you’ve been following me for a little while now (thank you!), then you know that I am a big believer in being deliberate and strategic about your real estate blog.

That is because I don’t want your blog to be a waste of your time and resources.

It is my goal to make sure that your real estate blog:

  • attracts a loyal audience

  • converts your ideal clients on auto-pilot

  • builds value into your website (so you can sell it when you retire)

  • helps you earn passive income through affiliate posts and relationships

While there are many boxes to check in order to make sure that you meet all of those goals, there are four main elements that every successful blog must have in order to do that. Today, I’m going to share those with you.

I want to be clear that each of these are non-negotiables and your ability to execute each of them will determine how well your real estate blog performs and how quickly it begins to work for you.

1. Relatability

If your readers aren’t able to form a connection with you through your blog they won’t become subscribers or clients.

One of the main points of your blog is to empower your readers to trust you so that they will buy from you when the time is right for them.

Therefore, your first and foremost responsibility is to design your content in a way that will reach out and grab your readers and make them feel as though you understand them. The more that you can relate to them in topic, tone, and perspective the more you will be able to sell with every post.

The best way to inject relatability into your real estate blog is to write about topics that will help your ideal clients solve their problems and achieve their goals. Always put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what you would want to be told and how you would want that delivered in you were them.

By diving deep into the hearts and minds of your target audience, you will dramatically increase your subscription and conversion rates immediately.

2. Actionability

One thing that no real estate blog can live without is actionability.

If your advice is filled with big picture stuff or is full of fluff that won’t lead to real results, you will fail to win your reader’s trust.

Actionability is one of the most important elements of this blog and I take the responsibility of giving you all actionable advice very seriously. I always strive to make sure that you can walk away from this blog with at least one actionable task that will help move the needle forward for you.

One of my favorite ways of incorporating actionability into a blog post is to include examples that illustrate my point.

Another approach you can take is to put a bulleted step-by-step list that explains in detail how to execute something.

Obviously, How-To posts are the easiest ones to make actionable do I recommend working them into your content calendar frequently.

Another way that you can incorporate actionability, while also growing your email list is to write a post explaining why your readers should do something and then offer a free download with the step-by-step directions on how to do that task.

For example, you could write a blog post called “X Reasons You Need To Start Investing In Rental Properties” and then include a free PDF download (in exchange for their name and email address) that teaches them how to purchase their first investment property.

3. Engaging

If there is one complaint that I hear from you guys all the time it is that you are struggling to get engagement with your social media and real estate blog.

First of all, please understand that many of the algorithms are working against you in terms of engagement and it takes time to build! Please don’t become discouraged if it takes a year or two before you start seeing a ton of engagement; that’s normal!

Getting engagement is very challenging if you aren’t very deliberate about using psychology and emotion in your posts.

If you want people to engage with your real estate content, you must first give them something to care about. You have to give them compelling reasons to take time out of their day to not only read your post but then make the extra effort to engage with it further.

Don’t just write posts for the sake of writing posts. You need to get on their level and tap into what your ideal clients care about.

Before you write a post, always ask yourself will people really care about what you’re writing and why?

Finally, decide what actions you want people to take with your content (like, share, pin, etc.) and tell them to do so within your call-to-action.

Want them to comment? Ask them a question and encourage them to answer right on the blog or in the comments on social.

Want them to share the post? Make it as easy as possible for them by embedding sharing buttons within the post.

The more clear you are on how you want them to engage with your blog and the easier you make it for them to do that, the more engagement you will get.

4. Converting

Every business owner needs a blog.

Every business owner wants that blog to lead to real business.

I know how hard it can be sometimes to maintain the motivation to stay on top of your blog. The crazy thing is my blog has made me six figures within the first two years and I still struggle to find the motivation sometimes!

Therefore, if your real estate blog isn’t converting clients and earning you income, I know you’re going to give up on it and forfeit the unbelievable benefits it can bring right along with it.

Now, not every reader that lands on your real estate blog is going to become a client, or at least not right away.

Sometimes it can take months or years to convert a loyal follower into a client. Other times, you can convert people the very first time they find you. Obviously, people are in different stages of the buying process and have different needs or resources which dictate those decisions.

That is why I am a huge believer in mixing-up your calls-to-action between hard and soft.

At the very least, you should have a goal of getting every person that lands on your real estate blog to subscribe to your blog & newsletter. That way, you can stay in touch with them and continue to keep them engaged with your content until they are ready to become a client.

The next level of a soft conversion is to incorporate affiliate links into your blog posts. I love using affiliate programs to supplement my earnings with passive income. Who doesn’t love passive income?!

Finally, the third level is to go for the hard close. Even if you don’t include a hard sell call-to-action within the content itself, it should always be obvious to your readers how they could contact or hire you when they’re ready. Make sure that a phone call to you, email, or appointment booking with you is always in plain sight and mobile-friendly.

Want Help Building Your Profitable Real Estate Blog?

That’s what I am here for, my friend!

I have tons of ways to help you make millions of dollars with your real estate blog no matter where you are in your real estate career!

First, I hope you will subscribe to the blog so I can deliver more advice about how to make the most of your career every week.

If you plan on starting a real estate blog or want more help getting clients from the one you have, please become a member of my Facebook Group Blogging For Real Estate Leads.

Or if you want me to write your blog for you, you can book a free consultation with me here and I will explain how my content writing services will attract your ideal clients, earn you passive income, and help you leverage your website for massive profits.

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