Blog Posts


5 Easy Ways To Spring Clean Your Real Estate Website

By Sarah Layton


Okay so I know Spring hasn’t sprung just yet, but I have been wanting to write this one for weeks and I can’t wait any longer.

I hope that most of you have your own real estate website by now! However, once you do get it up and running, you can’t just leave it alone and let it sit there all stagnant and shit. At least not if you want real traffic and real clients from it!

In order to please the Google Gods and make sure that your real estate website is doing all that it should for you, you should take some time each season (at the least) to perform a little checkup.

Today, I’m going to share with you five key areas that you need to keep your eye on.

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1. Add Some New Neighborhood Profiles

Have there been any new construction developments started or completed in your area? Be the first to show up in search results about those neighborhoods by adding comprehensive profiles of them. All of my clients that do this see a massive boost in their SEO, the amount of time people spend on their site, and the number of leads that come from their site.

When done correctly, neighborhood profiles and other hyperlocal content can help you dominate local search results which is massively important since nearly 100% of buyers and sellers find their agent online. The more of them you post on your website, the better it will perform and the more leads will land in your lap.

However, in order to be effective with your neighborhood profiles, you will need to include some key elements and abide by a few of Google’s rules.

As a general rule you should have a minimum of 10 of these profiles on your website showcasing neighborhoods, cities, buildings (go as micro and macro as you want) if you want to be anywhere near the top of Google search results for anything having to do with real estate in your area.

Here are the non-negotiables:

  • Each neighborhood profile must be at least 500-600 words long

  • Keywords that you wish to rank for should appear 0.5-1.5%

  • The amenities of the neighborhood

  • The school district

  • What sets this neighborhood apart and what is so special about the homes within the neighborhood

  • A display of available listings in that neighborhood or a link where they can search for them on your website

2. Refresh Your “About Me” Page

When was the last time that you updated your professional bio?

If you read through it now are you riveted and enticed to hire you?

Far too often, I come across real estate agents, brokers, lenders, and coaches with bios that read like a more boring version of their resume...ick.

The whole point of your “About Me” page is to create commonality between you and your target clients and help them to feel a stronger connection with you.

You don’t do that by talking about where you went to college or listing off your certificates and accreditations.

You do that by talking about them, their goals, and more importantly, their pain points!

Now, I know that might seem counterintuitive since this page is supposed to be about you. But would you rather brag about your career or get a new client?

Your “About Me” page is also a great place where you can include any recent charity/community events you and your team have been involved in or any other big ways that you have contributed to the community.

3. Install Google Analytics

Before I dive into this, I want to stress that it is important that you do not obsess over numbers like website visitors or likes on your social media posts. When it comes to your website traffic, I want you to focus on the quality of traffic over quantity.

That being said, if you don’t have a way of tracking analytics on your real estate’re seriously slacking my friend. Google Analytics is not only the #1 way to do this, it is totally free.

It’s also super-duper easy to install. All you have to do is sign up for an account and add your unique code to your website.

Once you install Google Analytics you will be able to see:

  • Exactly who is perusing your website

  • What pages they are checking out

  • Where they are from

  • When they are leaving your site

  • Your main sources of traffic

  • The demographics of your audience (age, sex, location, etc.)

That kind of knowledge is power!

4. Add Your New Testimonials & Listing Updates

I shouldn’t have to tell you how important testimonials are to your business!

These days, people rely on testimonials and reviews for minor purchases. When it comes to something as massive as a house purchase, you better believe that they want to see some serious kudos from their peers!

To be honest, I would love to see you add a new testimonial to your website every single time you get one.


Because every time you add new content or update content on your real estate website, it boosts your SEO and helps you climb a little closer to that top spot on Google.

However, if you can’t take those two minutes to do that after each closing [my eyes are rolling at you], you can do it once a month or once a season at the very least.

The same applies to listings.

If you have new featured listings to add, properties that are now pending or some that have sold, make sure that all of those have been properly updated.

5. Update Your Old Blog Posts

I know I just recently wrote about this but it is such a ridiculously easy way to do accomplish SO much in your favor that I have to bring it up again.

If you have five minutes to spare and want to do something that will actually make a difference in your business (rather than play candy crush), go back and update your old blog posts.

Here are some simple and fast ways you can update an old blog post:

  • Had a change in opinion? Go back and add your new thoughts.

  • Shift in the market or predictions? Go back and add an update.

  • Have a new relevant video or podcast episode? Go add it to all the relevant posts.

  • Have a new blog post that relates to others? Go add the link to them.

  • Scored some sweet new stock photos? They can add a fabulously fresh look.

  • Did you attend a local event you were promoting? Talk about how it went.

  • Were you featuring a new housing development? Give a progress update.

  • Have a video version of the post? Add it to the post and let them choose which they prefer.

Uncover Exactly What's Holding Your Site Back!

“I have a website but I’m not getting leads or clients from it and I don’t understand why. Is it really possible to get buyers and sellers from a website anyway or should I just stick to buying leads?”

I hear this every day from agents and brokers that have no idea how to take their website from just existing to cha-ching!

The truth is, that your RE website can and should be your most lucrative business asset! When done correctly it can:

  • Position you as the local expert

  • Attract qualified buyers and sellers that respect your expertise

  • Generate passive income through affiliate links and content sponsorships

  • Capture leads and referrals so you never have to pay for them again

  • Convince people that are on the fence why they would be lucky to work with you

The question is if a website can do all of that, why isn’t yours doing that for you?

In fact, if you are anything like most people in the biz you might not even believe it is possible for your website to be your biggest money-maker because it has yet to be profitable at all.

But I am here to tell you that after helping thousands of agents and brokers turn their website around that it is not only possible, it can be downright easy.

So if your website is not your biggest money-maker, it is painfully obvious that there is something wrong and at this point, you have a choice to make:

  1. You can continue to hemorrhage money paying increasingly higher fees for leads while your competition collects clients for free from their website.

  2. You can scour the web reading articles and watching videos to try and diagnose the problems with your site on your own and then try to figure out how to fix it


3. You can allow me to audit your website for you and give you a detailed personalized action plan to take your website from a client repellent to a money-making client magnet.

Which option do you think makes the most sense?

If you are anything like the top 1% of performers in real estate, you will choose option number three every time because you take your business seriously and when you see an opportunity to turn a couple of hundred dollars into tens or hundreds of thousands you take that opportunity every single time. Especially, when that opportunity comes with a money-back guarantee.

That’s right!

I am so confident that you will find immense value in my white-glove website audit that I will refund your money if I am not able to identify what s holding your website back from making you #1 in your market.

So what have you got to lose? (Other than more clients, of course).

Book your real estate website audit today and join the thousands of others who never have to door-knock, cold-call, mail postcards, or buy a lead ever again.