With more and more people entering the real estate industry every day, it has become increasingly difficult for real estate agents to stand out from the crowd.
1. Be Generous With Information
Just about every marketing professional and agency alive today will tell you that one of the best ways to attract and capture prospects for your business is to offer-up value, rather than constantly trying to hard-sell.
Consumers have become increasingly skeptical, making cold-selling nearly impossible and very expensive.
The best way to get your name in front of buyers and sellers now, is to offer them something valuable for free.
There are tons of gifts or giveaways that you could provide your prospects in hopes that when the time comes for them to buy or sell, that they will call you. I've seen everything from branded umbrellas given away at rainy day open houses to pens and footballs and pretty much everything in between.
But if you want to give something away that will help you to stand out as a real estate agent, there is only one thing that I think makes a truly valuable impact - a book.
A free book that speaks directly to the problems and motivations of buyers and sellers in your niche, is by far the most powerful way to attract prospects through the internet.
Here are just five reasons why you need your own (branded) real estate book to give away to buyers and sellers so that they find, trust, and hire you over every other agent:
- Giving books (value) away for FREE will help you to grow your email list FAST.
- Having your own book will force buyers and sellers to look at you like the expert in your niche.
- . An entire book of content offers a ton of opportunities for you to sell yourself, tell your story, and communicate your brand's message to a captive audience.
- You can use your book to capture internet leads, supplement your listing presentations, and replace your business cards for a real impact.
- Branded books are a far less expensive investment with a higher ROI than the traditional real estate agent gifts that everyone else is giving out (that usually end up in the trash).
2. Become A Big Fish
Remember that old adage about being a big fish in a small pond vs. small fish in a big pond?
Well, when it comes to seriously selling real estate and standing out as a real estate agent, it is best to be a big fish!
Rather than pouring your hard-earned money down the drain trying to market only to immediate buyers and sellers (where the competition is steep) that are ready to make a move now...why not start farming the future?
The NAR reports that roughly 6% of realtors focus their marketing efforts on buyers and sellers that will be ready in 1-3 years. This means that you have a unique opportunity to build up a pipeline full of future buyers and sellers.
Although they may not be ready for a while, you will have the benefit of all that time to help them get to know you and your business, and ensure that when they are ready, yours is the first name that comes to mind.
Just think how grateful you will be to yourself one year from now, when you start cashing the commission checks from deals you started farming today.
3. Give Unique Closing Gifts
Unique closing gifts are another amazing way that you can help yourself stand out as a real estate agent, as well as, help your past clients to remember you when the time comes for them to buy or sell again.The key to doing this effectively, is to make the gift something that is thoughtful, relevant, and memorable.
Believe it or not, some of the most powerful closing gifts are actually inexpensive too! One of my clients made a huge impact with a closing gift that cost him only $38! I absolutely love this story (and I think you will too) so I am going to share it with you:
He was working with a couple that were both listing and buying with him. During one of their afternoons of showings, the clients were riding in his car when Bat Out Of Hell by Van Morrison came on the radio. The wife shouted out with excitement and told the agent that this was their favorite song of all time and when they had first started dating, the couple used to play the record over and over again. He watched how the couple lit up and showed more excitement over the memories associated with the song than any house they had seen.
After closing both deals, the agent presented the couple with a record player and an original copy of the Bat Out Of Hell record he had found at a garage sale (costing him only $38). The couple was beside themselves with gratitude at the thought and sentiment of the gift. The agent and the couple took a video of themselves blasting the record while they celebrated the sale (which now appears every year for them in their Facebook memories). They told the agent that every time they play that record now, they will remember him and the hard work and attention he dedicated to their sale and purchase.
That is exactly what you should be doing when purchasing your closing gifts if you want to stand out as a real estate agent; creating memories for your clients.
How To Make Millions With Your Real Estate Blog | Sarah Layton | Real Estate Content Marketing
How To Make Millions With Your Real Estate Blog | Sarah Layton | Real Estate Content Marketing Did you know that you can explode your monthly income with your real estate blog?! Yup! Your real estate blog could be worth millions one day! In this video I am going to break it all down for you!
4. Create A Unique Real Estate Website
If you belong to a major corporate brokerage, you were likely given a website as part of your membership and dues.
While this is a great feature to have, the truth is that those cookie-cutter sites hurt you if you really want to set yourself apart and stand out as a real estate agent.
Instead, I urge you to spend the time or money it takes to get your own website that is independent from your brokerage and is focused around your brand, rather than that of the brokerage.
The other main advantage to having your own independent website is that you will have many more capabilities to enhance the user experience.
You will be able to incorporate videos, audio podcasts, your own real estate blog, opt-in giveaways, and so much more.
5. Share Your Story
Remember, consumers don't relate to businesses, they relate to people. Then they buy.
Buyers and sellers are no different.
They want to feel a connection to you the person, your story and your brand before they will feel comfortable offering up their business to you.
Buyers are excited but nervous about the house buying process, ease their nerves by helping them find and get to know you with a website that is build around who you are and why you are the very best at what you do.
Sellers think that real estate agents are sharks that do nothing all day and then want to steal their profits.
Show them who you are, give them a chance to relate to you and your story, and watch as their walls come down and the commissions roll in.
6. Start Your Own Show
Okay, you might think I sound a little crazy with this one but I promise you this tactic is awesome.
Start your own YouTube show, radio show, podcast, whatever, to really enhance your brand and help yourself stand out.
Just think, how many real estate agents do you know personally or locally? Okay, how many do you know that have their own book?
Better yet, how many do you know that have their own radio or YouTube show?
I bet its only one or two, if any at all. How better to make yourself look like a bad ass to other agents and prospects than to have your own show where you talk about real estate?
Not only are you going to have the chance to show off your expertise, but you are going to have another platform to share your story and help prospects relate to you.
Plus, you are going to be building your presence online by showing up at the top of more and more searches and boosting your own website's SEO when you post your show to your unique website.
7. Project Your Passion
My final tip for you to really stand out as a real estate agent is this: remember why you are passionate about your business and let that passion shine in everything you do!
Passionate people are infectious and enjoyable to be around.
They're more believable and more powerful at sales and customer service.
Those of you that are in this business because of something that you are passionate about, are going to have the drive it takes to really make it.
The truth is, it isn't hard to get a real estate license. It is hard to survive as a real estate agent. It is much harder to become a real success and make seven or eight figure salaries as a real estate agent.
However, if you have passion and let that fire fuel you to really hustle, and grind, and take calculated risks you will stand out like crazy as a real estate agent.
Ready to hire me to write your profitable real estate blog for you? Check out my pricing here.
How To Hire A Real Estate Content Writer | Sarah Layton | Real Estate Content Marketing Coach
How To Hire A Real Estate Content Writer | Sarah Layton | Real Estate Content Marketing Coach Hiring a real estate content or copy writer is the best way to grow your content library, business, website equity, and passive income.