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Are You Losing Real Estate Clients Due To Your Lame Social Media Presence?

By Nithya_CML


Are you regularly getting a steady stream of buyers and sellers from your social media presence?

Are you convinced that your social media presence is the most valuable component of a sales funnel?

Have you given up on getting loads of free leads from your social media presence?

If you are like most real estate agents, then you recognize that there is a massive amount of money to be made from social media, but don’t know how to go about getting a piece of the pie.

In an age where 9 out of 10 real estate transactions originate online (according to NAR), it is more important than ever to have a dominant social media presence.

It is no mystery that the most successful real estate agents in the United States are killing it online.

What probably does feel like a mystery, is how the hell they build up that dominating presence.

While there are a lot of components that add up to being a social media ninja, building a presence that pays is not as hard as it seems from the outside.


However, if you don’t know what you are doing, you are likely costing yourself real estate clients, more than you are attracting them.

If you are afraid that something you are doing, or not doing on social media, could be costing you valuable clients, then this article is for you!

Before I share with you some of the most important components of building a profitable social media presence, would you be willing to do me a favor? I depend on you liking, sharing and commenting on my content. Agents, please share this article with your broker! Brokers, please share this with your agents!

If you are ready to start making the most of your social media presence and experience the euphoria of getting free leads daily, keep on reading my friend.

Here are four signs that your social media presence is costing you real estate clients.

You Have No Strategy

You know how banks like a new business to show up with a well-written business plan when they apply for a loan? That is because they want to make sure they are lending money to someone with a viable plan for repaying them. They are looking to secure their ROI.

When it comes to marketing and branding, you should do the very same thing. That includes your social media presence.

Don’t build a social media profile just for the sake of having it. At that point, it is just a waste of your time and resources.


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If you want to capitalize on the most powerful marketing medium in history, you are going to need to have a viable strategy to maximize your ROI.

Your social media strategy should include:

  • The profiles and pages you plan to manage

  • The types of content you plan to post

  • Strategic groups that contain your target clients

  • A schedule of days and times that you will post to each

  • The people you are trying to attract

  • Goals for the amount of people you want to attract

Luckily, there are a plethora of tools out there to help you manage all of this, analyze what’s working, eliminate what isn’t, and improve conversion rates.

Personally, my two favorite tools for keeping my social media presence optimized are Buffer and Tailwind. Both offer fantastic features, allow me to automate a lot of my posting, and provide me with insightful reporting so that I know what types of content you all respond to the most.

Buffer is free for their most basic plan and will let you organize platforms like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tailwind, offers a limited free trial for running Pinterest and Instagram. I have recently become obsessed with Tailwind’s benefits and features. It is also allowing me to get tons more traffic from my Pinterest account! This month, I had more than 6,000 clicks from Pinterest back to my website thanks to Tailwind! If you want to profit from Pinterest the way I am, you can get an exclusive discount & extended free trial to Tailwind here.

Both Buffer and Tailwind will help save you a lot of time in developing a social media strategy that will help you win over buyers and sellers.

If you don’t approach every social media platform with a unique strategy for capturing attention, you are definitely losing real estate clients with your social media presence.

You Post Too Much, Or Not Enough

Again, understanding the ins and outs of posting are important to your success on social media.

One of the most common questions I receive from my clients when I am coaching them on social media and content marketing, is “how often should I post”. The answer is that it depends.

As a general rule, you should be posting something of value to your ideal clients at least 1-3 times per day.

However, you also need to be engaging with people in places other than on your own pages and profiles.

Join as many groups that your ideal clients belong to as possible. Post and answer questions. Offer free advice. Get involved into the conversations they are having about your city. Do NOT spam though!


The more that you are engaging with others on social media, the more people you will attract to your business pages and profiles.

So when it comes to posting, I encourage you to think of replies and comments, as well as, posts on your own pages and profiles.

Now, if you are like most of my clients, you are thinking “How the hell do you think I have time to be posting to my social media 30 times a day?!”.

First of all, if I can do it on top of building a real estate media agency from scratch, then you can too.

Second of all, there is NO WAY IN HELL that I could possibly do it without using tools like Buffer and Tailwind.

I block off a small amount of time every month to schedule content to be posted to all of my social media accounts every day for the month.

Once I know that is done, I find pockets of time throughout the day to engage with all of you on those platforms. I answer questions, comment on posts, and respond to requests when I am:

  • Walking from one room to the other

  • On a phone call

  • Walking the dog

  • Waiting for someone to show up to an appointment

You get where I am going with this right?

I know it often might feel like you don’t have the time to deal with your social media, but the truth is if you spent half the amount of time you waste making excuses as to why you can’t you would already be richer.

On the flip side, if you are constantly posting things that nobody cares about or that might offend them, you are going to do major damage to yourself. I’ll cover more about what not to post in the next section so keep reading if you don’t want to alienate clients.

Just know, if you post too much or not enough, you are losing real estate clients with your social media presence.

You Post For You, Not Them

One of the most commonly made social media mistakes of small businesses and real estate agents is constantly trying to sell with their social media posts.

I’m sure you have noticed many other real estate agents that frequently post their listings, sold pictures, etc. to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

While these types of post should be a valuable piece of your social media strategy, they should not make up the majority of your posts. As a general rule, you should only post about your business and offering 20% (or less) of the time.

The more you talk about you and the fact that you sell houses, the more you make yourself sound like an ego-maniac and like every other real estate agent begging for business.

Your social media presence should help you stand out, not sound like the competition.

7 [not so] Crazy Ways To Stand Out As A Real Estate Agent | Convert More Clients | Sarah Layton

7 [not so] Crazy Ways To Stand Out As A Real Estate Agent | Convert More Clients | Sarah Layton With more and more people entering the real estate industry every day, it has become increasingly difficult for real estate agents to stand out from the crowd.

Before you write a post for any social media platform, make sure to stop and ask yourself if that post will be more beneficial to you, or the people you are trying to attract.

The more that you post content that is in the best interest of the people you are trying to attract, the more of those followers you will gain.

Always refer back you your ideal clients’ buyer persona or profile before you compose any post and make sure that you are posting something of value to that person.

If the majority of your social media posts are asking people to buy a house or hire you, you are definitely losing real estate clients with your social media presence.

You Are Working For The Competition

Primarily sharing content that has been written or created by others is going to cost you a fortune in missed business.

Here's why:

Content is created and marketed with the sole purpose of attracting and collecting valuable leads.

How To Hire A Real Estate Content Writer | Sarah Layton | Real Estate Content Marketing Coach

How To Hire A Real Estate Content Writer | Sarah Layton | Real Estate Content Marketing Coach Hiring a real estate content or copy writer is the best way to grow your content library, business, website equity, and passive income.

Therefore, if you are pushing other people's content on your prospects and customers, you are actually pushing them away! It is as though you are saying "Here is some valuable information that I don't know enough about to create on my own, but check out this guy who does." Is that the kind of message you want to put out there for your prospects, customers, and referral sources? I didn't think so.

Instead, you should be constantly and consistently creating content in the form of articles, videos, podcast episodes, etc. and sharing them on social media platforms in their proper formatting. You can learn how to create powerful content that sells here.

Not to mention, the fact that many of you are investing a lot of time and money in order to get people to land on your profile, business page, or group. However, despite the fact that you went through all of that trouble to get their attention, you’re now sending them away to someone else’s website.

Why would you do that?!

You worked for that lead. You spent money on that lead. You need to keep and capture that lead.

If you continue to post articles from industry magazines, agents from other teams, and industry associations more than your own original content, you will continue to lose real estate clients from social media.

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