Today I want to talk to you about one of the most heavily debated concepts that comes up daily between real estate agents and myself: niche marketing.
Let's start off by defining that, because I am willing to bet that when I say "niche marketing" to you, you might think I'm just talking about a location.
In real estate a "niche" is a specialized but PROFITABLE corner of your local market.
Notice how I capitalized "profitable"? That's because when I tell you throughout this article that I want you to select a niche and start focusing all of your efforts on it, please also understand that you must select a corner of the market that will actually make you money!
My answer to these objections is always the same: If you truly want to be successful as a real estate agent, if you want to rise above the rest and kill it, if you want people to be banging down your door to list their house (rather than the other way around), you can't afford to NOT select a niche. Take a minute and be honest with me and yourself: is throwing your marketing budget in a million random directions producing an ROI that you are proud of...or even satisfied with? Pumping up your marketing ROI is just one of the benefits that you will enjoy when you man-up and select a real estate niche. Here are five more benefits:
- Your SEO will go through the roof
- Your online leads will become more qualified
- Your content will become more focused and effective
- You will look like an expert in that niche
- You will actually become an expert in that niche
The Best Part Of Niche Marketing? You Get To Start Converting Your Ideal Clients!!!
Now if you have already been working with me a while, then you know I don't condone linking away from your website the way I just did (unless you're getting paid to do it)! However, I need to really drive home here that there is tremendous value in committing yourself to one niche and building your brand around it.
After You Pick Your Real Estate Niche...
Once you have decided to get serious about marketing and growing your business by selected your niche, it is time to start capitalizing on it. Re-work your entire marketing budget to focus completely on this exciting new target market. All of your real estate content, social media, landing pages, commercials, etc. need to start addressing your target (your ideal clients). Ask yourself: What are their problems?
Why are you the very best agent for them?
How can you help them?
Now start basing all of your branding, real estate content, and marketing around the answers to those questions.
Powerful Social Media Tactic To Attract Your Ideal Clients...
Once you understand who your ideal customer is and what their problems are, you can create the powerful types of real estate content that will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. But it in order for them to start hiring you, you need to get that content in front of them first. Here is how to do that using social media (spoiler: it's the reason you're reading this now):
Before you know it, your ideal clients will be subscribing to your website, coming to you with their questions, and asking you for help! Why? Because by that point, they are already see you as the expert.
In turn, they are also sold on how you could be of value to them. All you need to do is close the deal!
Have questions about how to go after your ideal clients using niche marketing and powerful real estate content?