In an era where more than 90% of all real estate transactions in the United States are started from an online search, it is no longer possible to ignore the need to have a strong online presence if you want to survive in this business.
Over the last several years, we have watched as video marketing on the internet and social media have exploded, creating stars out of everyday nobody’s and making it possible to grow a business organically with the help a webcam or smartphone and a YouTube account.
The reason that people consume videos at an astonishing rate, as compared to written content, is not that they are “easier”, but because they are a hack on time.
You no longer question the validity, acclaim, and insane income that can be achieved from becoming a YouTube star.
Now you simply wonder how the fuck to turn yourself into one so you can completely dominate your market.
The benefits that you would be able to enjoy from “making it big” on YouTube, or Facebook TV, or Amazon TV, are far beyond your wildest dreams for yourself and your business.
If you want to discover those benefits, reap the financial rewards, and carve out a true name for yourself in the real estate world, you’re going to need a TON of traffic to your channel!
This is your roadmap to becoming a real estate rockstar on YouTube using simple SEO strategies.
Start With The Obvious
You can’t be a YouTube star without videos, so whip out your smart phone and start recording my friend.
Do not let yourself get consumed with idea that your videos need to be anything fancy.
You do not need to spend a fortune on fancy video and voice equipment.
I do recommend picking up an inexpensive microphone, but that is really all you need to get started. Here is the one I use (It’s only $13!). If you plan on doing podcasts at any point or simply want something more high-end, The Blue Yeti USB Mic, is a great way to go and still won’t break the bank (about $129).
The key to creating videos that get people engaged is injecting them with massive value.
Every video that you create for your channel, needs to be full of information and/or entertainment that is valuable and interesting to the people you are trying to attract.
The reason most people fail with video marketing is that they make their videos all about themselves, rather than making it about the target audience.
If you want people to become addicted to your real estate content, you need a content strategy that will attract them like flies to honey.
Get a free strategy session from me!
Brand Your Channel
If you want to give your YouTube channel a professional and polished look and feel, you need to brand it properly.
That means that all of your channel art, logo, and videos will need to feature a consistent look, which should be in-sync with your brand.
Do not make the mistake of branding your page in-line with your broker, that will only promote them, rather than you.
Just like it is important to have your own website, independent from your broker’s, you need your own independently branded social media channels and content platforms.
You can quickly and effortlessly create custom video thumbnails and channel art inCanva.
Serious SEO
I can’t stress enough how important SEO, search engine optimization, is to your success with YouTube.
You need to be strategically applying keywords throughout your entire channel and on every single video that you upload.
Video Title
Your videos need to have a title that includes a description of what your video is about, your name, and at least one of the long-form keywords you are trying to rank for. Long-form keywords that are 4-5 words long are best because they are more targeted and have less competition.
Video Description
Your video description should begin with a repeat of your video’s title as you see I have done in the image above from my video How To Make Millions With Your Real Estate Blog. Then write a description that lays out the benefits of watching the video to the viewer, making sure to include your keywords as much as possible. Your descriptions should be 300-500 words long.
Video Keywords
Again, try to select keywords that are 4-5 words long and accurately describe what your video is about. When selecting keywords, think about what people would type into the search bar in order to find the relevant information in your video.
For example, if you are trying to get a video about buying your first NYC apartment ranked at the top, you should use keywords like:
How to buy NYC apartments
Tips for buying NYC apartments
NYC apartment hunting tips
Video Transcriptions
Transcriptions are another key component to climbing the ranks of YouTube. YouTube uses the transcriptions on your videos to rank them for the keywords in the transcription. That’s why it is important that you are using your keywords within the context of the video itself. Invest the time to transcribe all of your videos and add the text.
Spread The Word
If you really want to get people watching, you need to let them know that there is something to watch.
This is another one of those times an email list and your social media channels really come in handy.
Don’t just sit back and expect Google to do all the work for you.
Take control and exercise your channel authority by inviting all of your contacts to subscribe to your channel, including CTA’s to subscribe everywhere you can, and cross promoting your videos.
Subscribe to my channel
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