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The Secret To Becoming Stalkable On Social Media

By Nithya_CML


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As Gary Vaynerchuk frequently reminds us, “Social media is the current state of the internet”.

Since The National Association of Realtors reports that more than 90% of all real estate transactions begin with an online search, we can clearly deduce the fact that you no longer have a choice about developing a dominant social media presence for your real estate business.

As you know, there are some people that amass celebrity-sized followings, and others that never get traction.

So how do you become stalkable on social media? In this article, I’m walking you through what it takes to build an army of loyal followers that are eager to hire you, the local real estate expert.

Content Worth Stalking

Nobody is going to give you an ounce of attention if you aren’t giving them what they want. One of the most common mistakes made by real estate agents is using their social media platforms as an extension of their ego. Rather than treating every post like an ad, treat it as an opportunity to give.

If you want to build a following on social media, you need to start by expertly crafting content that your target audience craves.

Keep in mind that crave-worthy content takes many forms and should vary from one platform to the next. For example, Instagram will require you to generate eye-catching images that give your followers voyeur-like perspective into your world (without being promotional).

However, educational and informative articles are more appropriate for a platform like LinkedIn.


If you want people to follow you on multiple different social media channels, and you should, you need to make it easy for them to find you everywhere they look. This will require you to be consistent in your posting, to some extent.

For starters, make sure that all of your profile pictures match and all of your profiles are well-branded so that people never have any doubt that a profile belongs to you. You should also be consistent in your posting schedule in order to build anticipation within your audience. Tools like Buffer and Tailwind make consistent posting a cinch.

However, they do not make the mistake of posting the exact same content, at the same time, on every profile. You have to give people a reason to follow you in multiple places and if every profile is identical, you will come across as annoying and one-dimensional.


One of the easiest ways for you to build your audience and become more stalkable on social media is to leverage your various profiles to build your others. For example, if you are trying to get more traction on SnapChat, use your Instagram profile to promote your SnapChat handle, and vice versa.

Be creative in creating these cross-promotional posts, and make sure your audience clearly understands in an instant, what the benefit will be to follow you on the other platforms. Remember, you are already lucky to have their attention, and now you are asking for even more of it, don’t let them down.

Need Help Creating Stalkable Real Estate Content?

You are swamped with all of the work you have to do to maintain your listings, attract new buyers, and still keep your private life in-tact.

Generating crave-worthy real estate content for your social media, blog, website, podcast, Alexa Flash Briefing Skill, YouTube channel, etc. is a full-time job all in itself. Trying to figure out how to create all of that content in a way that will actually convert followers into clients using SEO and psychology is probably a bit too much to try and cram into your busy schedule.

I eat, sleep, and breathe creating emotionally charged content that will attract your ideal clients to you magnetically. I would love to have the opportunity to learn more about your real estate business, and the unique goals and challenges that you have.

If you would like to learn more about how I can create real estate content to convert your ideal clients for you, book a free consultation with me here.